Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Techno-inspired clothing...

Now clothing companies are being inspired by social networks...this ingenius dutch company produce clothing with a unique logo for each user...the logos serves as a launch pad for people to connect with you having snapped your unique logo with their mobile phone...

This is exactly the type of company who will foster naturally growing communities as their innovation pays off through word of mouth and the clincher - and absolute driver to the online world in their USP.

I love this one.


  1. nice blog and nice post. blogged here: http://interactivemarketingtrends.blogspot.com/2008/12/qr-t-shirt-sign-of-things-to-come.html

  2. I've just come across an even better example of this same concept at


    Rather than codes, intricate patterns are personal codes - only a part of this pattern needs to be analyzed to work as a code. Allowing for greater creative scope, I think this concept will definitely take off in the fashion world...now clothes really can speak for you.
